Work From Home | The Keys To Successfully Working From Home Increased Team Collaboration Via Remote And/or Mobile Technology An at-home worker needs to have at least a basic understanding of the tools and software used to communicate within the company and with clients. As you work to build skills in managing remote workers, it is constructive if the first few people working remotely are very skilled in their primary work. After satisfying the functional needs of the office, the worker should gather the necessary tools for work. Trying to control or command people remotely simply never works. If you do not trust the people you are working with, it is hard to overcome the inevitable miscommunications and tensions when you are not in the same place to resolve them. Remote workers must possess self-discipline and the drive to stay motivated to complete their daily tasks. Even though the rise of remote work is not a new trend, many people are still figuring out how to work remotely throu...
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